Using emoji picker to create an emoji only field
I'm trying to create a new field which only allows Emoji rather than emoji + text.
Have looked into this package: https://filamentphp.com/plugins/tangodev-emoji-picker
Has anyone achieved something similar already?
1 replies
SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload: Display original file name
Any ideas on how I can display the original file name when using SpatieMediaLibraryFileUpload?
On upload it says original file name but when editing the file field, it shows stored file name.
8 replies
Custom action not working
I have a custom action to create a new post which I want to use throughout my application on different pages. If i make the same action with Action::make() under my custom page's getHeaderActions, it works but when using my custom action class it doesn't:
Used in page:
Why do i need a view? And what am i supposed to add into the view?
3 replies
Display table action when using RelationManager on ViewRecord
I'm currently using a RelationManager which shows on the ViewRecord page.
Custom Action under headerActions shows however, the Tables\Actions\CreateAction action does not.
Is there any way for that to show on this page?
4 replies
Hide create button on resource creation form with wizard
I'm using a wizard on a form.
I have followed the steps here to add my own submit action:
How can i hide the default 'create' button at the bottom of the form?
I managed to hide the create another using the following on the CreateResource page:
$canCreateAnother = false
6 replies
Open modal before create action
Is it possible to :
1) open a modal with fields when initially pressing the create resource button?
The idea for this is to take in some contextual information (choosing a template for the form).
2) open a modal when form is submitted on create resource page before the resource is created. There will be an option on the modal to create a different resource upon creation.
I want to use the option to create a different resource.
6 replies