Created by cheezzywizz on 4/29/2024 in #questions-and-advice
What kind of sneakers are "in" right now?
I need to get new sneakers, as mine have holes in them, and I'm traveling soon (so I need something comfortable for lots of walking). I'm currently wearing Stan Smiths, which are comfortable, and I could just replace those. But I'd rather mix it up and get something else. So what are people wearing now? What's popular? What's in? Thanks!
16 replies
Created by cheezzywizz on 2/22/2024 in #questions-and-advice
Does anyone know what "rakish" means?
I'm attending a wedding next week, and I just found out the dress code is "rakish". I tried Googling it, and I think I have a sort of vague idea. Like Johnny Depp is rakish. Skin and tattoos are rakish? But no concrete definitions or ideas. Anyone have any solid definition of rakish? Or any advice/ideas on what I could wear next week? Thanks!
32 replies