Created by abhinasRegmi on 7/16/2024 in #❓┊help
Handle File uploads in Wizard with filament.
I wanted to implement a step form that has some file uploads. This works but I want to save form as draft during each step. But the file uploads will get deleted if the step containing file upload is hidden. I was using saveRelationship() to save the file in draft. Suppose step 1 has file upload. I went from step 1 to step 2 then the file will get saved in server. Now I go from step 2 to step 3 then the upload will get deleted.
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Created by abhinasRegmi on 7/11/2024 in #❓┊help
Unique validation error on update
unique validation works during create but validation errors out during update. I have two tables users and applicants the applicants belongsTo users and users hasOne applicants. I have this form field for ApplicantResource's form Forms\Components\TextInput::make('email') ->required() ->email() ->unique('users',ignoreRecord:true), This works during creation of applicant in which i have. But during edit it errors out like this Connection: mysql, SQL: select count(*) as aggregate from users where email = [email protected] and applicants.id <> 9) here applicant_profiles.id = 9 i believe this is incorrect. applicants should be a table not a field. I want to create and update user from applicant's form to.
8 replies