Adam Holmes
Is there a threads / conversation plugin?
Could you make use of this comments plugin?
6 replies
Action Group Layout
Apologies, I put in too many attachments and confused things... I'd like the layout like my first attachment (which is bootstrap). But based on your example...
I'd like the 3 dots to be part of the Notes button (as in no gap between them and they look 1 and the same)... In my case, they're all related actions to do with communication so I'd like the default (notes) to be Send Email - and then in the 3 dots have Send SMS, Send WhatsApp etc
I can do all the above except make the primary action and dots look like a single button group
11 replies
Price (in pence) field - show result in pounds in suffix/or somewhere else that's sensible
I use a plugin for this:
User enters an amount in £ (or your chosen currency) and then it converts to pennies on save.
6 replies
ToggleButtons are requiring a double-click to change their state
This sounds similar to what I was experiencing with actions here:
@ChesterS made the suggestion of setting lazy = true which did the trick for me - maybe you can try that
Sadly, no explanation why this works, but it did 😂
27 replies