❔ Interfaces, IEnumerator and IEnumerable
I see, so if it were a non generic, I would use the one at the bottom because that would account for the types of objects inside that collection. For the one that returns the dog collection, Does the IEnumerable<Dog> part allow the .GetEnumerator() to function? So like without INumerable<Dog> we wouldn't be able to use .GetEnumerator()? as well, the IEnumerator just allows us to check the current object in the collection and move on to the next object in the collection
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❔ Interfaces, IEnumerator and IEnumerable
Ohh so like you have an interface called IEmailServices and a class that uses that inerface. Inside this inteface, we place like an empty method but acts like a placeholder until we want to send the actual email?
35 replies