Created by kmp on 1/3/2024 in #💬│support
Review Required For Integration Approach.
Below is the system I aim to build and Approach I took. Can you please review and let me know if there is any better way we can integrate with Novu ? - The system consists of U users, each with access to at most E entities. - Each user can access only one entity at a time. - I aim to manage notification preferences at each User X Entity level. - Notifications are sent at the entity level, and all users with access to the entity will receive the notification based on their preferences for that entity. - As of now, the system will only support InApp, Email, and Slack as notification mediums. - The system currently contains approximately 10000 entities and around 4000 users. - There are 30 different types of notifications in the system. Approach I've taken:
Created 1 Topic for each Entity X Medium (e.g., E1_InApp, E1_Email, E1_Slack). For each user, I've created 1 subscriber and subscribed them to the respective topics based on their access. I've created 1 workflow per notification, with each workflow consisting of 3 steps (Inapp -> Email -> Slack). Each workflow includes conditions for selecting the medium using the topic key suffix.
Example: If User1 has enabled InApp notifications for E1 and E2, and email notifications only for E1, then User1 will be part of E1_InApp, E1_Email, and E2_InApp Topics. Whenever we trigger a workflow targeting the respective Topic, the notification will be delivered to corresponding users in the chosen medium. Also in this approach I will need to manage notification preferences in a seperate service, as Novu supports Notification Preferences at Subscriber level. Is there something better we can do here ?
8 replies
Created by kmp on 12/13/2023 in #💬│support
Merge all digests from different workflows
I have setup a workflow for each type of notification that I have. ex: - UserCreation Notification - UserNameUpdation Notification Each workflow has its own digest linked (looks something like): UserCreation ----- {{count}} users have been created. UserNameUpdation ---- {{user_name}} users have been edited. Now, when I attach email to each workflow, its sending one email per digest. Which is working perfect. but my usecase is to send a monthly digest which will contains both UsersCreated and UserUpdates in single email. Can you please help me, if we can achieve something of this sort ?
5 replies