Jim Idle
Jim Idle
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 8/22/2023 in #questions
valueMap and Multivalues
I agree with this. A DSL can also help to enforce the use of known best patterns and so on
9 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 8/22/2023 in #questions
valueMap and Multivalues
DSLs and language design are my thing, I was thinking about such a thing for my own specialized data to make it easier for our own people to come up with a traversal. I suppose a more general DSL could be written too. I wonder though if such a thing perhaps adds complexity that isn't need?
9 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by cinterloper on 8/16/2023 in #questions
Straightforward way to render a force directed graph svg/png
It's more or less what we do in ANTLR
6 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by cinterloper on 8/16/2023 in #questions
Straightforward way to render a force directed graph svg/png
I suppose that you could just generate a .dot file and use the sfdp renderer with Graphviz. It means writing a bit of code, but it is simply an iteration through the results and generating a text file, then executing the dot command. https://graphviz.org/docs/layouts/sfdp/
6 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 8/17/2023 in #questions
AWS Neptune bulk load notifications
Thank you for looking in to it @triggan - it will be just my luck that I ahve written my own code to call the endpoints and then you guys release an offical version three days later 😉
7 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 8/17/2023 in #questions
AWS Neptune bulk load notifications
My other request would be to incorporate the various https endpoint calls into the SDK (Go in my case)
7 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Tomcat on 7/5/2023 in #questions
Add Multiple addV() by one Iterate
Yes - that's what I meant. I get the traversal source and then use that
9 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Tomcat on 7/5/2023 in #questions
Add Multiple addV() by one Iterate
So, in go I have been using: t := g.Traversal(). Then adding to t in loops for say batches of 20. Rather than t := g.V() as in the above python code. I preseume then that either is OK?
9 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Tomcat on 7/5/2023 in #questions
Add Multiple addV() by one Iterate
Should that traversal variable not be just g ?
9 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/19/2023 in #questions
Direct and indirect Edges
Being in Taiwan makes back and forth follow ups last a day 😉
12 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/19/2023 in #questions
Direct and indirect Edges
Just wondering why millions of A->C edges would slow A->B. Or you mean if I don't explicitly name/label the outgoing edges from A?
12 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/19/2023 in #questions
Direct and indirect Edges
OK - that's good reasoning. As I said in another post, the answer is likely in experimentation, which I will do. I was just wondering if there were any rule-of-thumb things to consider, and it seems that there are.
12 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/19/2023 in #questions
MergeV uint32 properties inserted as long
That's fine. Signed int works fine in this case, so will use that. I suppose long would actually be fine, but I suspect any Java based system will perform better with integer.
8 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/19/2023 in #questions
Advantage/Disadvantage of In and out edge vs one edge
Thank you, that is useful to know. This DB is fine to bind to Neptune only. I will stick with a single edge as I can always specify the label for the edge. I guess the real answer is to test it of course.
6 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/15/2023 in #questions
Concurrent MergeV gremlingo - Vertex Id exists
OK - no problem. I just needed to know that this was the case and not my code having some race condition that I was not detecting. I belive that Neptune is OK with this as it does seem to lock the vertices. This is part of a batch import program, which will move to generating batch import files for Neptune anyway. The TinkerGraph is just used to make local development a bit easier. Thanks for the information.
10 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by pedrobalbino on 6/14/2023 in #questions
Help Needed with Sample Method in Gremlin-Go
I will open another question about this, because all my uint32 values used in MergeV property maps are being inserted as long, despite them being uint32. int32 uses integer
7 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/15/2023 in #questions
Concurrent MergeV gremlingo - Vertex Id exists
Probably the easiest solution might be for me to create all the vertices that will be targets of edges first. I can do that because I know what I am importing and can then avoid teh MergeV to create the edges.
10 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/15/2023 in #questions
Concurrent MergeV gremlingo - Vertex Id exists
Sorry - should have been more specific, just the Tinkerpop Java gremlin server. I have yet to try that code on Neptune, which is the real target. This seems to come from the MergeV creating the actual vertex while a MergeV to create a place holder for a MergeE is also creating it. One of them wins then the other says that it already exists because I am specifying the vertex id.
10 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/9/2023 in #questions
Gremlingo with Neptune - Read loop error
Cheers Cole - what happened is I misread all the 2s and 1s 😉
11 replies
ATApache TinkerPop
Created by Jim Idle on 6/9/2023 in #questions
Gremlingo with Neptune - Read loop error
You are correct - I think it is because I chose to use serverless and obviously that has not yet caught up. Sorry for the noise here, but maybe having this information here might save someone else a little time.
11 replies