Muhaimin Shihab
How to show multiple photo in view page?
I have a field photos in my table and where my photos are stored like ["public/insurance-requests/lfVT7wBqz7t1qMGkFsW15vSrw8Y3JtGSIttSCQ6s.jpg", "public/insurance-requests/lfVT7wBqz7t1qMGkFsW15vSrw8Y3JtGSIttSCQ6s.jpg"]. I want to show the photos on the view page via the info list but I can not. Please give me suggestions on how I can show photos.
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How to show same table data in different pages?
I have a user table and there have a column role where have different roles like 'admin', 'agent', and 'customer'. Now I want to show users in different pages role based, how to do that? Also, when I want to create user, I want to add some extra data on other table if user type is agent or customer.
7 replies