Created by Abluux on 1/7/2025 in #help-and-questions
npx prisma migrate dev doesnt update @relation
await prisma.$transaction(async (prisma) => { const todos = await prisma.todo.findMany({ where: { organizationId, assignedUsers: { some: { uid: userToDisassociate } } }, }); for (const todo of todos) { await prisma.todo.update({ where: { id: todo.id }, data: { assignedUsers: { disconnect: { uid: userToDisassociate } } }, }); } await prisma.organization.update({ where: { id: organizationId }, data: { users: { disconnect: { uid: userToDisassociate }, }, }, }); }); Something like this?
10 replies
Created by Abluux on 1/7/2025 in #help-and-questions
npx prisma migrate dev doesnt update @relation
also getting typecript error when trying to disconnect assignedUsers from my todo Object literal may only specify known properties, and 'assignedUsers' does not exist in type '(Without<TodoUpdateManyMutationInput, TodoUncheckedUpdateManyInput> & TodoUncheckedUpdateManyInput) | (Without<...> & TodoUpdateManyMutationInput)'.ts(2353) index.d.ts(3290, 5): The expected type comes from property 'data' which is declared here on type '{ data: (Without<TodoUpdateManyMutationInput, TodoUncheckedUpdateManyInput> & TodoUncheckedUpdateManyInput) | (Without<...> & TodoUpdateManyMutationInput); where?: TodoWhereInput | undefined; }' (property) assignedUsers: { disconnect: { uid: any; }; await prisma.todo.updateMany({ where: { organizationId }, data: { assignedUsers: { disconnect: { uid: userToDisassociate } } }, });
10 replies
Created by Abluux on 1/7/2025 in #help-and-questions
npx prisma migrate dev doesnt update @relation
i make my schema on backend and i do npx prisma db pull to get schema to frontend, this schema is not uptated to that
10 replies