Created by Mike. on 3/12/2025 in #❓┊help
Hide Create an action in the form of a filament
I have a code like this 'use HasAvailableLeaves; protected function getFormActions(): array { return [ CreateAction::make('create') ->label(__('Request')) ->submit('create') ->hidden(HasAvailableLeaves::hideIfNoAvailableLeaves()) ]; }' I want this code to disappear according to the trait that I have created, but in a code condition like this I get an error An attempt was made to evaluate a closure for [Filament\Actions\CreateAction], but [$get] was unresolvable. Code in trait 'public static function hideIfNoAvailableLeaves(): Closure { return function ($get) { $userId = $get('user_id'); if (!$userId) { return false; } $availableLeaves = SheetLeave::where('user_id', $userId)->first()?->available_leaves ?? 0; return $availableLeaves === 0; }; }'
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Created by Mike. on 12/12/2024 in #❓┊help
Spatie laravel-translatable
I am making an infolist resource then I want to display data from a relationship, the data appears successfully but the translation is not successful, even though in the filament view I have used translatable in the lits table it can be translated but in the infolist it can't, can anyone help, currently my code is only like this TextEntry::make('location.name') ->label('Location'), TextEntry::make('location.address') ->label('Address'), TextEntry::make('location.city') ->label('City'),
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Created by Mike. on 11/7/2024 in #❓┊help
make all images clickable and display in full
currently my code is like this SpatieMediaLibraryImageEntry::make('product-image') ->collection('product-images') ->label(''), then I want this image to be clickable and it will appear in full in the infolist
8 replies
Created by Mike. on 11/1/2024 in #❓┊help
Creatinga a new option in select
i using this code in select ->createOptionForm([ TextInput::make('label') ->label('New category') ->required(), RichEditor::make('description') ]), and when this code is clicked it adds a + button next to the select column and opens a modal, and I also use searchable so I want when a record is searched and the record doesn't exist it displays the option to create a new record but without displaying the modal, so I can type the data directly in the select
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Created by Mike. on 10/8/2024 in #❓┊help
How to disabled select in form
i have this code Select::make('status') ->label('Status') ->required() ->options(collect(InvitationStatus::getValues()) ->filter() ->mapWithKeys(fn ($value) => [$value => ucfirst($value)]) ->toArray() ) ->default(InvitationStatus::PENDING->value) ->afterStateHydrated(fn ($set, $state) => $state ?: $set(InvitationStatus::PENDING->value)), but i want to select this disabled,when i try to add '->disabled()' it gets error "General error: 1364 Field 'status' doesn't have a default value" can someone help me
4 replies
Created by Mike. on 7/16/2024 in #❓┊help
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