Created by bowett. on 9/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Pass query string parameters to Table Builder in v3
Hi, this is the first question I've asked. I feel like I may be missing something so apologies but I have searched and looked at the docs before asking. I'm trying to pass a query string parameter to a page using Table Builder. For example, if I have a table of cities in the USA which simply contains: The name of the City The State the City is in. I want to set up a page with a route: /cities/{state} If I visit /cities/Florida then I get a page of all the cities in Florida. I've tried doing this by adding a mount function to my Livewire component: public function mount($state) { $this->state = $state; } I then use this in my table function: return $table ->query(City::where('state', $this->state)) This works initially. The problem is if I then try to sort by a column or search inside that table I get an error: local.ERROR: Property [$state] not found on component. I think this is because the mount method is not called when the component re-renders. How should I structure this query so it works?
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