Created by Kyle on 6/5/2024 in #❓┊help
3rd Layer HasMany Relationship Manager doesn't show
No description
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Created by Kyle on 6/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Show/Hide a field based on the value of another field THAT IS NOT IN DATABASE
So I've been reading the manual about the reactivity of forms, specially . I understand how it works and I was also able to make it work, but currently, this requires that the select Field is an actual field in the database table. When I set the name to something that isn't in the table column, it throws an error. Is it possible to have the select field (or checkbox field) control the visibility of other fields, while not being actually in the database (just temporarily storing the data in Livewire or something)?
3 replies
Created by Kyle on 6/5/2024 in #❓┊help
Best Way to Show Different HasMany Relations using Separate Tabs?
Hello, everyone! Apologies if my question is dumb but I can't find the right way to do this by reading the manual. Basically, I am creating a class management software for personal use. As a simple example, a Classroom has many Students, has activities and scores, and has different criteria for grading. In the main dashboard, I can choose the Classroom tab to show the list of registered Classrooms. But when I choose a classroom and the classroom's Edit page is shown with the basic classroom details ready to edit, I want to have separate tabs where the registered students, the activities, and the criteria can be listed and edited separately. What is the best way to achieve this effect in Filament? Thank you in advance for any suggestions. No spoonfeeding needed, I appreciate any clues and I'll do my best to research from there!
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