private void guna2Button8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e){ // Create the UC_ListBoxhub user control and pass the Form1 reference to it UC_ListBoxhub uc = new UC_ListBoxhub(this); // Passing reference to Form1 addUserControl(uc); // Add the user control} private void addUserControl(UserControl userControl) { // Loop through controls and hide any other user control (but keep FastColoredTextBox visible) foreach (Control ctrl in this.Controls) { if (ctrl is UserControl && ctrl != userControl) // Hide other user controls { ctrl.Hide(); } } // If the user control is not already added, add it if (!this.Controls.Contains(userControl)) { userControl.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; // Make sure it fills the form Controls.Add(userControl); // Add the user control } userControl.BringToFront(); // Bring the new user control to the front }