Created by TomášZ on 12/14/2023 in #❓┊help
Accessing data in ViewFiled
Hey guys, I have simple ViewField and according documentation I am trying to send some additional data to view with ->viewData(). But I don’t get it how to Access them in view after. Thanks for your help. I manage to find them in $field but since it’s protected I cannot use it.
7 replies
Created by TomášZ on 5/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Hello everyone, I feel really stupid but I cannot figure it out. If I use FileUpload and want to store photos to custom directory what should I do? I always find the file inside livewire-tmp folder but thats it. ->disk('public') does nothing and $this->photo->store() return exception, that I am trying to call method on array. Thanks for advice. protected function getFormSchema(): array { return [ FileUpload::make('employee_photo') ->preserveFilenames()->disableLabel(), ]; }
4 replies