Created by danw0921 on 8/2/2023 in #❓┊help
Call to undefined method using Relation Manager Attach
Hi, I have an Exercise model and each exercise can have some 'related exercises' where the relations are stored in a pivot table. I'm trying to use a Filament Relation Manager to attach/detach related exercises in a table under the Exercise resource form. The table populates as it should with the seeded related exercises. And I can detach related exercises too. So it feels like I've got things set up correctly. But I have a problem attaching new related exercises. I can click the Attach button from the form and the modal pops up with a searchable select field. But when I try to search, I get the error "Call to undefined method App\Models\Exercise::exercises()" The Laravel error page actually correctly suggests the solution "Did you mean App\Models\Exercise::relatedExercises() ?" which I do want to use. But my problem is, I can't figure out where to define the correct method, or even why it's looking for an "exercises()" method when it's not specified anywhere. In Exercise.php model
public function relatedExercises(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(Exercise::class, 'related_exercises', 'exercise_id', 'related_exercise_id');
public function relatedExercises(): BelongsToMany
return $this->belongsToMany(Exercise::class, 'related_exercises', 'exercise_id', 'related_exercise_id');
In RelatedExercisesRelationManager.php
protected static string $relationship = 'relatedExercises';
protected static string $relationship = 'relatedExercises';
In ExerciseResource.php
public static function getRelations(): array
return [
public static function getRelations(): array
return [
My two database tables look like this: - exercises -- id -- name - related_exercises -- exercise_id -- related_exercise_id Any help would be very much appreciated.
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