DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
•Created by lor3512 on 4/7/2024 in #djs-questions
I cannout untimeout a user
19 replies
DIAdiscord.js - Imagine an app
•Created by lor3512 on 4/6/2024 in #djs-questions
I cant put emojis in buttons.
const appealEmbed = new EmbedBuilder()
.setTitle("Appeal A Moderator Action")
.setDescription("If you received a warning, mute, or ban and wish to appeal, use the buttons below based on your punishment.")
{ name: "⚠️ Warn Appeals", value: "Appeal if you received a warning." },
{ name: "🔇 Mute Appeals", value: "Appeal if you were muted." },
{ name: "❌ Ban Appeals", value: "Appeal if you were banned." }
const warnButton = new ButtonBuilder()
.setLabel("Warn Appeals")
const muteButton = new ButtonBuilder()
.setLabel("Mute Appeals")
const banButton = new ButtonBuilder()
.setLabel("Ban Appeals")
const row = new ActionRowBuilder()
.addComponents(warnButton, muteButton, banButton);
Will not work with the following error:
70 replies