Bene Richi
Is there a way to have a confirmation dialogue on ToggleColumn on table?
Hey guys!
I'm facing the same problem. In my case whenever I toggle the ToggleColumn on a table item to "true" it triggers a DELETE request to a third-party tool. The issue arises when I unintentionally toggle the button, as there's no straightforward way to undo the actions triggered by the toggle. Adding a confirmation modal to the ToggleColumn would be a helpful solution.
12 replies
Open modal from edit table action
I am stuck here aswell.
I have a toggleColumn on a table and when I toggle it I would like to show a confirmation modal.
Will let you know when I have found out something.
I already created a new action but its not necessary as it seems because a new action is like adding a "new button" to the frontend.
11 replies
Call custom function after Toggle button changed (Outside Form)
I tried to add the "afterStateUpdated" hook to my ToggleColumn, following the instructions in the docs. But it turns out, ToggleColumn doesn't even have that function.
Method Filament\Tables\Columns\ToggleColumn::afterStateUpdated does not exist.
10 replies