Counting relationships
I figured out a way to make this work. To answer, jockey_count works fine, but as you say, theres only one Jockey per Entry - I'm looking for a count of all the other Entries (total entry count) for that particular Jockey.
16 replies
Counting relationships
I'm trying to show how many total entries a jockey has (basically the same data I'm showing on the Jockey resource), I just need it on the Entry resource as well. I was able to brute force it, but it seems like using the existing relationships would be more logical.
16 replies
How do I move custom NavigationItems to right side of Topbar?
/* move login button to the right side /
.fi-topbar-item:nth-of-type(3) {
@apply absolute right-36;
/ move register button to the right side */
.fi-topbar-item:nth-of-type(4) {
@apply absolute right-4;
8 replies