Created by boomerthestar47_2 on 11/1/2022 in #community-help
Anti-Carry Strategies
I'm an Iron 2 KAY/O main, and sometimes, there are situations where one player on the enemy team is FAR better than any one player on my team, but the rest of us can stand a solid chance around the other 4. Obviously, I don't want to lose the entire match simply because one player on the other team is better, so... How can I rally up my teammates to ensure that the 5 of us together can shut down the 1 hard carrier on the other team with tactics instead of individual aim? Thanks in advance!
71 replies
Created by boomerthestar47_2 on 10/21/2022 in #community-help
Unable to see stat messages on mobile
Whenever I use the !stats command in #bot-commands, I’m unable to see the response on mobile. Is this a known bug, and if so, is there anything I can do about it?
2 replies
Created by boomerthestar47_2 on 10/19/2022 in #community-help
Missing Reaction on Image in Fanart Channel For some reason, the VANGUARD Discord bot forgot to put a ⭐ reaction on this image over in #fanart, and I'm not sure why. Could someone who works on the bot or someone with reaction permissions please put a ⭐ reaction on that image to get it up and running again? Thanks a ton!
4 replies
Created by boomerthestar47_2 on 10/5/2022 in #community-help
VC Interruptions
Whenever I hold down the voice chat button while the game loads up the map after picking Agents, pressing the voice chat button for the first time after doesn’t work. All future uses work fine, however. It’s a small issue, but it can be annoying when I’m trying to continue a conversation from the lock phase and I forget that the button won’t work the first time. Just bringing this to Riot’s attention and seeing if anyone else has encountered this bug.
1 replies