Anti-Carry Strategies

I'm an Iron 2 KAY/O main, and sometimes, there are situations where one player on the enemy team is FAR better than any one player on my team, but the rest of us can stand a solid chance around the other 4. Obviously, I don't want to lose the entire match simply because one player on the other team is better, so... How can I rally up my teammates to ensure that the 5 of us together can shut down the 1 hard carrier on the other team with tactics instead of individual aim? Thanks in advance!
35 Replies
amandaā€¢2y ago
you can try ganging up on the carry and hoping for the best? if that doesnt work try to just util spam šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø idk im silv pls im no better than u
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
"Hoping for the best" is the part about that I don't like.
amandaā€¢2y ago
honestly theres hardly anything you can do against better players as iron
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
Then how am I supposed to get out of Iron if I have zero gameplan for better players? They're going to show up whether I want them to or not.
amandaā€¢2y ago
maybe work on improving your aim and game sense so it's easier for you to get rid of them yes i'm well aware watch some videos and learn how to improve stuff you're gonna have to improve eventually, these better players are just the push to help you do so
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
Agreed. Heck, watching a few of those videos is what motivated me to try to beat them with tactics instead of aim. I can't improve my aim mid-match, but I can absolutely change my tactics.
amandaā€¢2y ago
!!! a few things that've helped me a bit are like 1-2 deathmatches before i enter an unrated/comp and sometimes aimlabs aimlabs doesnt help me very much but it might help you those are just aim tho and game sense is moreso something you have to learn from videos šŸ’”
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
Yeah, I sometimes get a few DMs in just to get the initial loading issues out. If my laptop can stop bugging out with a DM, it can absolutely handle an optimized Standard Match.
First, I suggest yall rat in the corner cuz usually the carry knows he can kill yall and will be aggro, esp on defence. So yall can judt wait for him to push and then kill him
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
So wait for a dumb play and punish it. Got it!
sorry for the late reply but yep!
less than 28ā‚¬
less than 28ā‚¬ā€¢2y ago
You gotta go for the power of friendship. Buy flashes, smokes, nades... Everything that could kill a man without the need of aim. Try to actively find crossfires. Focus in the carrier's patterns and play against them. Try to stay together.
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
5 > 1. Got it!
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
I thought you were talking about how to make sure you lose lmfao Alright, as a frequent smurf, the reason why i can frag out so much is because when i kill people, their team doesnt trade Just have 2 ppl fight him at the same time, from 2 different angles and you are guaranteed to get the kill even if one person dies Over all thou, you want to bait him out and kill him Best to seperate him from his team Also good smurfs (who are trying to carry) will always trade their teammates
amandaā€¢2y ago
^ yeah but some smurfs just smurf to smurf šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
So just trade for him Smurfs are not gods Unless you make them out to be
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Good question, have good game sense. If the Smurf likes to pick the team off at mid then do not peek mid and hold a off angle in catwalk for example (ascent) And yes, play for trades and don't be away from the team And another thing is to really just get better. Everyone told me "just head tap them" and I would just brush it off until I started to work on my aim and I improved alot
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
Makes sense. Itā€™s harder to carry against better players. Sometimes, Iā€™ll just hop in DM, hear someone about to swing me, and practice one-tapping them, and only spraying if I flatout miss. If I get the one-tap, *chefā€™s kiss*.
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Everyone starts somewhere. I started as iron 3 and I'm now plat. I would also recommend working on cross hair placement. For example in your situation you end up spraying when hearing someone swing so you should go into the range and set it for eliminate 50 with strafe. It helps with your aim when someone moves or or swings.
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
i was placed bronze in beta last episode i was plat now im asc
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Wow Nice
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
takes time getting better
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Ofc ofc
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
not an over night thong
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
but yeah play with team for smurfs trade eachother
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Took me a few days to master jus counter strafing and head taping
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
You got it @boomerthestar47_2 happy
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
i think the main thing that pushed me from plat to asc is mental thou having a good mentality when climbing is important i used to rage at teammates a lot more
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Bro like before in bronze I almost got banned from a server bc I said I'm gonna kms as a joke too much lmaoo
Panćakeā€¢2y ago
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
My mental is much better and having good mental helps Lol
boomerthestar47_2ā€¢2y ago
Agreed. Thatā€™s honestly the one thing I consider myself to actually have as a strength. ā€œThanks for trading me, Sova!ā€ ā€œNice shot, Reyna!ā€ ā€œCouldnā€™t have done that without you saving the Operator, Brim!ā€ If you can encourage the team after a near win, they can turn it into a win the next time. If you encourage them after a win, theyā€™ll know how to repeat it. Mental slants the game back into your favor.
Deleted User
Deleted Userā€¢2y ago
Yes, hyping up your teammates is very good. I hate how people think they can talk trash and mess up someone's mental just because they are going 10-20 or smth Yess