Created by _jimmy on 10/24/2023 in #❓┊help
Controlling modals in an action
Hi everyone. Does any one know how to control modals when calling a function like update within an action and have the modal NOT close after it does it's thing.
public function notesAction(): Action
return Action::make('notesAction')
->modalHeading('Edit Notes')

->fillForm(fn () => $this->fetchNotes())

->action(fn (array $data) => $this->updateNotes($data));
public function notesAction(): Action
return Action::make('notesAction')
->modalHeading('Edit Notes')

->fillForm(fn () => $this->fetchNotes())

->action(fn (array $data) => $this->updateNotes($data));
If the $this->updateNotes($data) errors out, I would like the modal and form to stay open so that the user can fix the issues. Right now it closes no matter the results.
6 replies
Created by _jimmy on 8/10/2023 in #❓┊help
How is everyone handling input sanitization to prevent XSS and such?
Seems that maybe there is no current sanitation of inputs when using TextInput::make. Any best practices?
4 replies