Using the EvaluatesClosure trait in a plug-in
Plugin developer here, it seems that Filaments injects models/utilities in its callback functions parameters by calling the EvaluatesClosure trait. The source code is using the Reflection API, which I'm not too familiar with. Has anyone here used the trait in their plugin to give their users the opportunity to use standard utilities in their callback functions? Anything that'd be helpful to know before starting implementing this feature?
3 replies
Compiling Tailwind classes when contributing
First of all, thanks for the amazing work, Filament is a great package that I find myself using very frequently 😌
I've been making a few commits lately, and I can't seem to be able to load additional Tailwind classes that weren't part of the repo when I forked it, even after running
npm run build
I can see the css being compiled in /packages/panels/dist/theme.css
, after I added a class to the wizard.blade.php
view. Still, no modification when I reload the php server.4 replies
Pass URL parameters to a CreateResource form inputs
I'm currently building a widget to display donors who are missing a payment from their subscription on the dashboard. It's a table, and for each member I have a "Create a Payment" link.
For now, the link takes the admin to the create a payment form, but I'd like to populate the form fields using URL parameters, as such:
Is there any way to do so in Filament?
9 replies
DatePicker value if DB field is null
I have a DatePicker component in a DonorsResource form, that lets you chose a birthdate for a new donor.
However, this field is optional. When the column is null, and you chose to edit a donor, the DatePicker has the date 01/01/1970 pre-filled.
Is there any way, in this case, to assign it the default "dd/mm/yyyy" that's present in the "New Donor" form?
5 replies
Date Picker Placeholder
I'm trying to set up a placeholder for a Date Picker input inside a form, but it does not seem to work, even though the documentation for v3 says it should.
I have tried passing a datetime string, a Carbon date, but to no avail.
Thanks in advance for your help!
14 replies
Get the active tab when submitting a form
Hi everyone, just wondering if there's a way to obtain the active tab when submitting a form.
I've tried to persist the active tab in the URL, but can't use the url() helper function inside Livewire. I found a package that's meant to get the current URL inside Livewire, but it does not work.
6 replies