Created by Louis_Dew on 2/14/2025 in #questions
Bedrock glass pane texture pack
Any plugin you recommend? Or is are you saying 'custom plugin' as in you'd have to make one
16 replies
Created by qvaras on 2/1/2025 in #questions
Disable villager breeding
I don't see any existing solution for this though
5 replies
Created by qvaras on 2/1/2025 in #questions
Disable villager breeding
Theres also 'Willing' tag but I think I remember removing that will fully break villagers
5 replies
Created by qvaras on 2/1/2025 in #questions
Disable villager breeding
You could probably do this with a datapack by constantly removing the InLove data from villagers. execute as @e[type=villager] run data merge entity @s {InLove:0b}
5 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
I'm sure skript is probably limited in some way but yea java isn't great if you are just getting your hands on it
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
I don't really have any experience with skript, kinda steered away from it because I felt like it wasn't worth it over just using plugins
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
Unfortunately no, I have gotten all of my promotion for my server organically through the Subreddit I own and operate where I just promote it under each post with automod, not recommended its very intrusive but it does work
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
Its a good start! But I wouldn't recommend keeping many of the options, you should understand what you are changing and why its being changed because certain things can be lowered and raised and will have a massive impact on your players
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
everyone loves to gamble
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
https://github.com/YouHaveTrouble/minecraft-optimization bible of optimization, can hurt vanilla experience in some cases by crippiling mob farms/xp farms but for your specs you may need to dive in. also you really don't need to allocate 10gb, start out at 4 and go up if its necessary. good luck :)
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
I've seen no impact, it also takes up nearly no storage because of how small the images are. I've got about 20 animated ones on my server and I've never noticed any issues.
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
You can, this plugin makes it super easy though and you don’t need to give players unnecessary permissions
44 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
Vouch for this plugin as well, it’s great
44 replies
Created by AphoticGoblin on 1/31/2025 in #questions
benefits for ranks in a survival server
It’s all stuff that isn’t crazy but I still see the kits get used all the time
33 replies
Created by AphoticGoblin on 1/31/2025 in #questions
benefits for ranks in a survival server
I have a food kit that has some golden carrots and one golden apple(8hr cooldown), a kit with a simple iron pvp set(1hr cooldown), and a fun kit with some fireworks a short levitation potion and a wooden sword with kb10 and really low durability plus some other items(can’t remember the cooldown on this one)
33 replies
Created by Xtaly | Low Bass Guy on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Filler Fun Plugins
Imageframe is one of my favorites, I give ranked players access to gifs and more image slots
44 replies
Created by AphoticGoblin on 1/31/2025 in #questions
Awards for reaching community goals in the server shop?
What are they contributing? You could reward them with higher value items of course. You could also give them special attribute food that gives bonus effects or stats(I like to give out cookies that give lots of saturation and bonus hearts).
8 replies
Created by AphoticGoblin on 1/31/2025 in #questions
benefits for ranks in a survival server
I use imageframe and give my VIP rank more slots and the option to use gifs, could be considered. A simple kit or two makes people happy. And of course a special prefix or cool color name
33 replies
Created by quin on 1/23/2025 in #questions
Having such a difficult time understanding prefix stacking
This is what I tried originally but it confused me so much so I gave up on it for a little bit. This is definitely the better way to do it since an error pops up every time someone logs in if luck perms can't find 'highest' if it isn't in the default ranks track
14 replies