How did you guys learn C# and stayed motivated doing it?
I mean after knowing one language going to another is probably not that hard (ofc based off from what to what language) cause everything is just build up the same just different words and maybe even more specific in some cases
55 replies
How did you guys learn C# and stayed motivated doing it?
Sorry if i said that wrong, English isnt my native language and can get stuffed mixed, what i wanted to say is where do i begin? Do i just watch Youtube Tutorials? Do i read a Microsoft Introduction Guide to C# or how?
55 replies
How did you guys learn C# and stayed motivated doing it?
I think thats even the hardest part i need to get through, learning a language as base. Learning another one may be easier due to many things being similar between different languages at some point
55 replies
How did you guys learn C# and stayed motivated doing it?
I tried alone to maybe learn some HTML C++ or Java but everywhere its the same problem as with C#, i cannot find a beggining and cannot keep me motivated or a reason to keep going. I really want to change that cause it annoys me already so much
55 replies