Created by Support on 1/10/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: OAuthException 400: Invalid platform app for IG Standalone
This is my docker compose snippit: (left out all the db and redis stuff and cleaned with generic placeholders) postiz: image: container_name: postiz restart: always environment: MAIN_URL: "" FRONTEND_URL: "" NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL: "" JWT_SECRET: "your-jwt-secret" EMAIL_PROVIDER: "your-email-provider" RESEND_API_KEY: "your-resend-api-key" EMAIL_FROM_NAME: "Your Emailer Name" EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: "[email protected]" FACEBOOK_APP_ID: "your-facebook-app-id" FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET: "your-facebook-app-secret" X_API_KEY: "your-api-key" X_API_SECRET: "your-api-secret" LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID: "your-linkedin-client-id" LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET: "your-linkedin-client-secret" DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/db-name" REDIS_URL: "redis://hostname:port" BACKEND_INTERNAL_URL: "http://localhost:3000" IS_GENERAL: "true" STORAGE_PROVIDER: "local" UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: "/uploads" NEXT_PUBLIC_UPLOAD_DIRECTORY: "/uploads" volumes: - /path/to/config:/config/ - /path/to/uploads:/uploads/ ports: - "5230:5000" networks: - proxy_network depends_on: postiz-postgres: condition: service_healthy postiz-redis: condition: service_healthy labels: - - - homepage.icon=postiz.png - homepage.href= - homepage.description=Social Media Scheduler - traefik.enable=true - traefik.http.routers.postiz.rule=Host( - - traefik.http.routers.postiz.entrypoints=websecure - traefik.http.routers.postiz.tls=true
3 replies
Created by Support on 1/9/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Error Adding Multiple Channels to Account
So......I did it wrong (obviously) and it does work. When the FB auth modal on subsequent adds you need to click edit settings for the auth you already provided and click through to the end so it will hand off to postiz correctly. Then you can select an additional page.
4 replies
Created by Support on 1/1/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Postiz Page Shutdown After First User Registration
So I added the resend details to my docker compose file and this resolved my issue. Should the docker compose file sample in github be updated to include these environment variable examples?
10 replies
Created by Support on 1/1/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Postiz Page Shutdown After First User Registration
recreated the containers and tired again and now I think I have the actual error: 2025-01-01 19:33:19,800 INFO success: backend entered RUNNING state, process has stayed up for > than 10 seconds (startsecs) (node:170) [DEP0106] DeprecationWarning: crypto.createCipher is deprecated. (Use node --trace-deprecation ... to show where the warning was created) Email sender information not found in environment variables
10 replies