Ticket: OAuthException 400: Invalid platform app for IG Standalone
@surf108 Just created a ticket
Question: How do I enable IG standalone
Attempted: Add FB integration. I can add IG business Accounts but when I try to add a standalone account: I get an OAUTH exception { "error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Invalid platform app" } The URL generated does NOT seem to have a valid ID? https://www.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?enable_fb_login=0&client_id=undefined&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fpostiz.casaalmida.com%2Fintegrations%2Fsocial%2Finstagram-standalone&response_type=code&scope=instagram_business_basic%2Cinstagram_business_content_publish%2Cinstagram_business_manage_comments&state=wvtRrD&logger_id=31409b73-9c2e-484a-b556-de78d96efd65
Working On: Ubuntu/Docker
Using Postiz On: docker compose
Take it from here @Postiz
Question: How do I enable IG standalone
Attempted: Add FB integration. I can add IG business Accounts but when I try to add a standalone account: I get an OAUTH exception { "error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Invalid platform app" } The URL generated does NOT seem to have a valid ID? https://www.instagram.com/oauth/authorize?enable_fb_login=0&client_id=undefined&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fpostiz.casaalmida.com%2Fintegrations%2Fsocial%2Finstagram-standalone&response_type=code&scope=instagram_business_basic%2Cinstagram_business_content_publish%2Cinstagram_business_manage_comments&state=wvtRrD&logger_id=31409b73-9c2e-484a-b556-de78d96efd65
Working On: Ubuntu/Docker
Using Postiz On: docker compose
Take it from here @Postiz
10 Replies
This is my docker compose snippit: (left out all the db and redis stuff and cleaned with generic placeholders)
image: ghcr.io/gitroomhq/postiz-app:latest
container_name: postiz
restart: always
MAIN_URL: "https://your-main-url.com"
FRONTEND_URL: "https://your-frontend-url.com"
NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL: "https://your-backend-url.com/api"
JWT_SECRET: "your-jwt-secret"
EMAIL_PROVIDER: "your-email-provider"
RESEND_API_KEY: "your-resend-api-key"
EMAIL_FROM_NAME: "Your Emailer Name"
EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS: "[email protected]"
FACEBOOK_APP_ID: "your-facebook-app-id"
FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET: "your-facebook-app-secret"
X_API_KEY: "your-api-key"
X_API_SECRET: "your-api-secret"
LINKEDIN_CLIENT_ID: "your-linkedin-client-id"
LINKEDIN_CLIENT_SECRET: "your-linkedin-client-secret"
DATABASE_URL: "postgresql://username:password@hostname:port/db-name"
REDIS_URL: "redis://hostname:port"
BACKEND_INTERNAL_URL: "http://localhost:3000"
IS_GENERAL: "true"
- /path/to/config:/config/
- /path/to/uploads:/uploads/
- "5230:5000"
- proxy_network
condition: service_healthy
condition: service_healthy
- homepage.group=Services
- homepage.name=Postiz
- homepage.icon=postiz.png
- homepage.href=https://your-main-url.com
- homepage.description=Social Media Scheduler
- traefik.enable=true
- traefik.http.routers.postiz.rule=Host(
- traefik.http.services.postiz.loadbalancer.server.port=5000
- traefik.http.routers.postiz.entrypoints=websecure
- traefik.http.routers.postiz.tls=trueLooking for an answer too because i'm facing the same issue
Same here. IG Standalone does not work.
I also saw in the GitHub repo Instagram_app_id is being used as environment variables. I tried that using the Facebook one and no go
I just wish someone will write a documentation for it 👌
update on this?
@surf108 do u use instagram standalone or the bussiness?
I was actually able to get Instagram Standalone to work.
In Facebook Developers
* Add the Instagram (Sign In Option) similar to how you added Facebook Sign in.
* Once you do that, you will receive an Instagram App ID and Secret
* After that you will need to Add your instagram account under the "Roles" section.
@wolfbyte7 any clue why i get the following error? this is what i've set in facebook developers. I've also added my instagram account under the roles section:
![No description](https://cdn.answeroverflow.com/1338203341376720976/image.png)
![No description](https://cdn.answeroverflow.com/1338203341599277086/image.png)
@Epic Minion For instagram standalone, the redirect should be "instagram-standalone" at the end.
thanks man!