Created by Support on 1/11/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: CORS Issue Blocking Signup on Local Installation
@mimo Just created a ticket
Question: Can't signup account on local installation
Attempted: Google Sign in: Access to fetch at 'https://postiz.homenet.lan/api/auth/oauth/GOOGLE' from origin 'http://localhost:5000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled. Using Email: Access to fetch at 'https://postiz.homenet.lan/api/auth/register' from origin 'http://localhost:5000' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. If an opaque response serves your needs, set the request's mode to 'no-cors' to fetch the resource with CORS disabled.
Working On: Register account to try demo version
Using Postiz On: Docker compose
Take it from here @Postiz
7 replies
Created by Support on 1/10/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: OAuthException 400: Invalid platform app for IG Standalone
@surf108 Just created a ticket
Question: How do I enable IG standalone
Attempted: Add FB integration. I can add IG business Accounts but when I try to add a standalone account: I get an OAUTH exception { "error_type": "OAuthException", "code": 400, "error_message": "Invalid platform app" } The URL generated does NOT seem to have a valid ID?
Working On: Ubuntu/Docker
Using Postiz On: docker compose
Take it from here @Postiz
3 replies
Created by Support on 1/10/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Postiz Deployment Issues with ArgoCD & Kustomize
@Filipe Oliveira Just created a ticket
Question: Deploying Postiz with ArgoCD via Kustomize
Attempted: I'm trying to deploy Postiz with Kustomize and ArgoCD, however, Postiz does not use the configmap created neither updates the .env file. It creates the configmap just fine, however, the pod does not use this values whatsoever.
Working On: Self-hosting
Using Postiz On: Kubernetes
Take it from here @Postiz
4 replies
Created by Support on 1/10/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Blank page issue after Coolify installation
@Gibran Just created a ticket
Question: After installing with Coolify, when I navigate to the domain I've set for it, instead of seeing the front page, I see only a blank page with "App is running!".
Attempted: Reinstalling it
Working On: Testing Postiz
Using Postiz On: Coolify
Take it from here @Postiz
3 replies
Created by Support on 1/10/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Unauthorized Charge After Trial Period
@Valérie Just created a ticket
Question: I did a 7 days trial, I haven't opted for anything, I haven't been using postiz after the end of the 7 days trial but I see that I still have access to the profile I created then, and that 29$ have been taken from my account on December 24th ??? How come ? Does that mean I have not used postiz, but am still paying ??
Attempted: I have sent a question via the help bot and asked questions as a "slow member" (?) without connecting to my profile since I thought it did not exist anymore, not having chosen any pricing
Working On: I am not working on anything, I am waiting on answers to the question mentionned in "What have you already attempted" before I decide to go on !!!
Using Postiz On: I have no idea what docker-compose or what kubernetes are...
Take it from here @Postiz
4 replies
Created by Support on 1/9/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Error Adding Multiple Channels to Account
@surf108 Just created a ticket
Question: I have an account with mutiple FB and IG pages and businesses attached to it. I want to add a channel for each. I can add one but when I try another postiz blows up.
Attempted: add one FB page works. Try to add another and it blows up.
Working On: Ubuntu, latest, docker
Using Postiz On: docker compose and traefik
Take it from here @Postiz
4 replies
Created by Support on 1/9/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: 400 Bad Request on /api/auth/register via Docker
@josef Just created a ticket
Question: 400 Bad Request on - /api/auth/register
Attempted: The Setup is very simple similar to all our deployments. Deployment is via docker compose no other revers-proxy apart of cloudflare tunnel. This is the env vars setup MAIN_URL: "https://postiz.<domain>.net" FRONTEND_URL: "https://postiz.<domain>.net" NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL: "https://postiz.<domain>.net/api" This is the cloudflare tunnel setup: hostname = "postiz.<domain>.net" service = "http://postiz-frontend:5000"
Working On: Deploying postiz to test on docker compose
Take it from here @Postiz
8 replies
Created by Support on 1/8/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Clarification Needed: Understanding Channels and Post Sorting
@Valérie Just created a ticket
Question: Dear David, In December I did a 7 days trial, and I am thinking about getting a standard plan, but there are things I haven't tested, questions that have emerged after my trial period : - I need to understand what "a channel" is ? individual profile on linkedin, business profile on linkedin and personnal profile on facebook, business profile on reddit = 4 channels ? - If I have a linkedin profile (or facebook, or reddit), and I want to post in a group I belong to in linkedin, is that on channel for les personnal profile and another channel for my personnal profile posting in a group ? - is it possible to piblish in a group as described above ? - can I sort my posts according to whatever aim I apply to them ? For example I have posts to inform, others to entertain, or even recruite... Can I apply a color or symbol corresponding to the 3 different "types" of post ? Thank you for your time, I hope you can help me with some of these issues. Valérie Suignard
Attempted: a 7 days trial
Working On: looking for the appropriate prcing for what I want to use postiz for
Using Postiz On: I have no idea what docker-compose or what kubernetes are...
Take it from here @Postiz
3 replies
Created by Support on 1/8/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Issue Creating Account on Local Installation
@Drew Just created a ticket
Question: Can’t create account on local installation
Attempted: Installed per directions using docker compose. Changed main_url, frontend_url and next_public_backend_url to http://localhost:5000 (with /api for the last one appended).
Working On: Just trying to demo it
Using Postiz On: Docker compose. It comes up fine. When I try to create an account i get “General error: TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.. Please check your browser console.” The docker conpose screen keeps repeating this wrror tge wbtire thne its running: “Error: connect ECONNREFUSED postiz | at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (node:net:1607:16) { postiz | errno: -111, postiz | code: 'ECONNREFUSED', postiz | syscall: 'connect', postiz | address: '', postiz | port: 6379 postiz | }”
Take it from here @Postiz
9 replies
Created by Support on 1/8/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Identify application version in Docker setup
@jchan Just created a ticket
Question: On the docker version (or any self-hosted version), is there a way to tell what version the application is on?
Attempted: package.json is set to version 0.0.0. Is the version embedded somewhere within the built application such that we can refer to it from an API call, the website, or command line?
Working On: self-hosted
Using Postiz On: docker-compose
Take it from here @Postiz
3 replies
Created by Support on 1/7/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Localhost Port 5000 Access Issue
@bitevy Just created a ticket
Question: Localhost installation. Cannot access on port 5000.
Attempted: Changed docker-compose env variable to MAIN_URL: "http://localhost:5000" FRONTEND_URL: "http://localhost:4200" NEXT_PUBLIC_BACKEND_URL: "http://localhost:3000/api"
Working On: Localhost installation
Using Postiz On: Docker-compose
Take it from here @Postiz
9 replies
Created by Support on 1/7/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: LinkedIn Client ID Invalid Error
@cristobal Just created a ticket
Question: linkedin error: The passed in client_id is invalid "undefined"
Attempted: cliend id and secret correct cofnigured in config/postiz.env. I bashed into docker installation and I do see the config file correct at /app/.env, stoped and up instances several times (I'm using docker composer)
Working On: Testing postiz to later use the API from other apps.
Using Postiz On: docker compose
Take it from here @Postiz
21 replies
Created by Support on 1/7/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: "App is Running" White Page Issue on Coolify Cloud
@MisterLexis Just created a ticket
Question: I use coolify cloud and I installed Postiz. I put my https domain name. Why is it written "App is Running" on a white page and that's all?
Attempted: I already attempted to use one click installation from coolify and copy and past the docker compose in the doc from postiz.
Working On: What do you mean?
Using Postiz On: Coolify
Take it from here @Postiz
7 replies
Created by Support on 1/6/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: White Screen Error on Draft Save via API
@Alexandre Just created a ticket
Question: problem posting via api. When i return on the app, impossible to open draft : I have a white screen with the message below : Application error: a client-side exception has occurred (see the browser console for more information).
Attempted: different api calls.
Working On: create post via API
Using Postiz On:
Take it from here @Postiz
7 replies
Created by Support on 1/6/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Helm Chart Redirects Backend Calls to Localhost
@manfri6 Just created a ticket
Question: Hi, i'm ecountering several issues trying to install the helm chart as the frontend is redirecting the backend calls to localhost which obviously is not gonna work
Attempted: i've tried exposing port 3000 and forwarding the port on my cluster but it seems port is not exposed in the container
Working On: i need to setup Postiz for my mobile app social pages
Using Postiz On: Kube cluster
Take it from here @Postiz
3 replies
Created by Support on 1/6/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Image Resolution Issue: API Responds with 500 Error
@Kuro Just created a ticket
Question: I am having issues with the image resolution on my self hosted installation. It seems like that the request of the image is answered with a 500 from the api, but i am not sure.
Attempted: Checked if the upload of the image is working and stored in the correct volume, yes it is.
Working On: Postiz Instance for a roleplaying podcast.
Using Postiz On: Docker-Compose
Take it from here @Postiz
10 replies
Created by Support on 1/5/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Invalid LinkedIn client_id error on Postiz setup
@chribonn Just created a ticket
Question: I have a self hosted version of postiz. When I attempt to Add the LinkedIn channel I get the error message "The passed in client_id is invalid "undefined"
Attempted: nothing
Working On: documenting
Using Postiz On: docker-compose
Take it from here @Postiz
3 replies
Created by Support on 1/5/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: Permissions issue on Facebook dev site for Postiz setup
@Perrider Just created a ticket
Question: What’s up with instagram and Facebook I am unable to choose the permissions on the Facebook dev site!
Attempted: I already created several apps on facebook dev but keep facing the same issue!
Working On: Setting Postiz Up!
Using Postiz On: Docker-Compose
Take it from here @Postiz
20 replies
Created by Support on 1/5/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: SMTP SSL Record Error on Gmail Port 587
@Blaze Just created a ticket
Question: When trying to send an invitation email over SMTP relay (gmail), port 587, I get the following error.
2025-01-05 13:36:37 [Nest] 226 - 01/05/2025, 1:36:37 PM ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] C8316156987F0000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:354:
2025-01-05 13:36:37
2025-01-05 13:36:37 Error: C8316156987F0000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:354:
2025-01-05 13:36:37 [Nest] 226 - 01/05/2025, 1:36:37 PM ERROR [ExceptionsHandler] C8316156987F0000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:354:
2025-01-05 13:36:37
2025-01-05 13:36:37 Error: C8316156987F0000:error:0A00010B:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:wrong version number:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:354:
I have a cert configured in nginx (working).
Attempted: Searched GitHub & Discord for a similar issue, could only find: Couldn't find a resolution there. Have also done some searching online but couldn't find specific enough/relevant results.
Working On: Self-Hosting Setup for Charities - SMTP
Using Postiz On: Docker Compose in WSL2
Take it from here @Postiz
8 replies
Created by Support on 1/5/2025 in #💭│community-support-tickets
Ticket: "TypeError: Failed to Fetch" on Signup - Docker Setup
@guim31 Just created a ticket
Question: Getting the message General error: TypeError: Failed to fetch. Please check your browser console. When I try to signup
Attempted: Lots of changes in my docker-compose file, none seems to be the solution.
Working On: I just try to sign-up
Using Postiz On: Docker-compose on Unraid
Take it from here @Postiz
12 replies