Error response from daemon: Mounts denied:
The path /ASP.NET/Https is not shared from the host and is not known to Docker.
You can configure shared paths from Docker -> Preferences... -> Resources -> File Sharing.
See https://docs.docker.com/desktop/mac for more info.
process finished with exit code 123 replies
I am trying to start databse by docker but it fails by saying that that port is already in use
"Error response from daemon: Ports are not available: exposing port TCP -> listen tcp bind: address already in use"
But then i run
- lsof -i :5432
It shows nothing. No other docker image or container is running.
86 replies
✅ How Scope lifetime works
I have a web api where when requesting a create endpoint, it afterwards sends an email to that person about that creation. I send email with html and for it i first check if that html was read before and then store it in a variable to improve efficiency (to not read every single time). I have that as AddTransiant, which means that besides i store that in a variable, it still has to be lost, because of a lifetime. But it doesn't, it still knows that. Can someone explain how that lifetime works?
28 replies
✅ Authorization in ASP.NET Web Api
[Authorize("MyApiUserPolicy", AuthenticationSchemes = "Bearer")]
How exactly does it check provided token if it is valid or not?
Like does it generate similar token and based on provided token it just compares it or there is something else going on?
236 replies
✅ Threads in c#
I am wondering if it is possible to kill main thread while other thread is still being executed? Cuz as i know additional threads are being created in the main thread thus killing main threads would mean to stop executing the code but in the screen shot it behaves differently.
28 replies