Upgrading from 0.35.2 to 0.35.4 caused error on Accounts page
Sorry for delayed response. I ended up rolling back, disconnecting linked Google accounts from all users, then upgraded and reconnected. Now everything works fine. And also updated to v0.40.0 and everything looks good
15 replies
Upgrade errors from v0.34 v0.35.1
As an aside, I’ve created a really bad endpoint that accepts markdown and creates the body text. It doesn’t work very well haha. I’d love it if the Twenty API allowed me to pass plain text or markdown as input to create the body of a note. Probably not a high priority for web ui users.
29 replies
Upgrade errors from v0.34 v0.35.1
Hi @Weiko thanks for the help!
You were right, there was a miss formed note body. I have about 1500 notes, and 800 of them are generated via graphql api calls. Not sure why one of 800 had a "P" before the "{". Thanks for your time, expertise, and help!!
29 replies
Upgrade errors from v0.34 v0.35.1
Thanks for the help @Weiko.
I disabled the "body" field in Notes. This did not fix the problem. However, the error now complains about the token T, not the token P (not sure if thats relevant or not. Here is the error...
29 replies