Created by Archy on 12/17/2024 in #❓┊help
UI is broken after update
No description
7 replies
Created by Archy on 4/22/2024 in #❓┊help
Record title on deleted records
I'm looking for a way, to easily show the user, that they are viewing a deleted record. Currently the user has no way of knowing this when they're on the records View page. The actions to force delete or restore users are only available to admins in our app. I know I can simply create a field and display that on the ViewPage. But it would be preferred if the information is the very first thing they see, when visiting the deleted records page. Preferably append "(deleted)" or something like that to the record title attribute?
5 replies
Created by Archy on 1/15/2024 in #❓┊help
How to expose method to set variable on widget in dashboard class
So, essentially I've created a widget to display a headline on a dashboard. I wan't to be able to define the headline to display directly from the included widget class in the getWidgets() method in the dashboard class. I've tried the following: I do however get the following error: "Declaration of App\Livewire\Headline::make(array $properties = []): static must be compatible with Filament\Widgets\Widget::make(array $properties = []): Filament\Widgets\WidgetConfiguration I basically just wan't to be able to do something like: Headline::make() ->text('Headline goes here');
1 replies
Created by Archy on 12/6/2023 in #❓┊help
auth()->user( ) returns null in shouldRegisterNavigation()
auth()->user() returns null in shouldRegisterNavigation() method on a custom dashboard. Seems like the user is not authenticated before that method is called.
10 replies
Created by Archy on 11/30/2023 in #❓┊help
Styling db notification colour in the notifications slideover
How do I style database notifications in the slideover? I can style the icon and icon color, but when using either ->warning() or ->color()it doesn't update the color of the thin border to the left. It only shows the primary color of my theme.
2 replies
Created by Archy on 11/29/2023 in #❓┊help
Overriding classes of blade components in widgets
I'm looking to change/override the styles/ TW classes given to blade components. Specifically the blade components available within widgets like the <x-filament::section>. I've tried both adding a class="" attribute and a style="" tag. Nothing works. It doesn't even show up in the DOM. Any ideas?
2 replies
Created by Archy on 8/28/2023 in #❓┊help
Cannot show value from pivot table in table builder column?
I have two models; User and Talent. A belongsToMany relationship is defined on both models. In the pivot table (talent_user) I have a column named 'score'. I wan't to display this value next to the talent in a table. I cannot, however, figure out to display this pivot column value in the table. Relevant code used to define the relationship and display the table is included in this gist:
4 replies