Created by GabriFila on 8/7/2024 in #💻┃support
New Expo SDK setup
Is there any update to this? I was about to launch the app to app store this week... This will be an ultimate blocker. I'd finished the iOS app...was just testing with Android on Device.
4 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 11/9/2024 in #💻┃support
Suspend an Organisation?
I have gone down the route of a local status for the user which the organisation controls i.e. they have 100 seats in my SaaS product but 112 users so some will be inactive. They org can make this decision themselves. If I suspend the organisation for none payment I need to know which of the 112 will be active if they pay and are unsuspended up so I ended up with an an AuthStatus flag against the user too.
8 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 11/9/2024 in #💻┃support
Suspend an Organisation?
Its a simple use case. I use organisations to group my SaaS customers by their company/organisation. If the company fails to pay the bills I suspend the organisation and all their users. At the moment I have to loop through all users. If this was 5,000 which is possible it will be a pain.
8 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/13/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Properties
Is this in the react native sdk too? Actually I’m working in expo and still not 100% the best way of using the sdk.
14 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/13/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Properties
Actually even this doesnt work for me with a Kinde created Property console.log(City: ${getClaim('kp_usr_city', 'access_token')?.value});
This is included in the access token and applied to the application as a token
14 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/13/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Properties
Using KindeBrowserClient I can get the claims from the AccessToken like below; Without giving too much away about my architecture this works; console.log(MemberId: ${accessToken?.user_properties?.gp_usr_member_id.v}); console.log(AccountId: ${accessToken?.external_org_id}); but the MemberId claim is simply not available using any helpers including getClaim;
14 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/13/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Properties
Any update? Thanks
14 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/13/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Properties
14 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/13/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Properties
Both claims are in the raw access token BTW.
14 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/13/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Properties
I'm using "@kinde-oss/kinde-auth-nextjs": "^2.3.6" and have seen the links posted on a similar thread https://discord.com/channels/1070212618549219328/1269986274081636373/1269986274081636373 but somethign as simple as showing the user object in the console shows only Kinde created properties not custom.
14 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/9/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Claims
How can I retrieve these custom properties in a client component in NextJS?
5 replies
Created by dillorscroft on 8/9/2024 in #💻┃support
Custom Claims
Thought about deleting this but for anyone in the future it’s called a property in Kinde! Just spotted it
5 replies