•Created by mirza on 11/23/2023 in #🙋|general-help
Using localePath Function With I18 strategy: 'prefix_except_default' Bug
When Using localePath Function With i18 strategy: 'prefix_except_default' encodes the / Character in URLs to %2F. For Example localePath('/store/testing/about') will return https://localhost:3000/store%2Ftesting%2Fabout
1 replies
•Created by mirza on 9/15/2023 in #🙋|general-help
How the __tests__ directories can be ignored while running yarn build in production mode.
I have tried .nuxtignore but this did not work. any idea? Thank you
42 replies
•Created by mirza on 8/11/2023 in #🙋|general-help
Vue Storefront DigitalOcean Deployment

70 replies