Noel (Shadow)
Noel (Shadow)
Created by Noel (Shadow) on 6/19/2024 in #support
Recommended CSS Compiler for Solid
hey y'all. It's been a minute since I've worked with SASS or LESS, and I'm wondering if there are any new compilers that have come up in recent years that do a great job of supporting nested classes. I have a project where the goal is to compile custom CSS and ensure it works well with Solid hot reload. Are SASS and LESS still relevant, and are there any gotchas when implementing them in solid?
7 replies
Created by Noel (Shadow) on 6/12/2024 in #support
Solid, CDK, Basic S3+CF Distro
Hi there, I've been working on a solid SPA that does not use solid-start. Are there any docs or helpful articles out there with boilerplate CDK construct examples? Also saw SST supports Next, wondering if they've sorted all this out already. Any help you can share would be most appreciated.
12 replies