DTDrizzle Team
Created by AndréLB on 1/4/2025 in #help
Upsert on foreign key changes serial ID
const employeeStoresRes = await tx
.returning({ storeID: employeeStore.storeID })

export const employeeStore = pgTable(
employeeStoreID: serial().$type<EmployeeStoreID>().primaryKey(),
storeID: integer()
.references(() => stores.storeID, {
onDelete: 'cascade',
employeeID: integer()
.references(() => employees.employeeID, {
onDelete: 'cascade',
(employeeStore) => {
return {
unique: unique('unique_employeeStore').on(employeeStore.storeID, employeeStore.employeeID),

export const employeeStoreRelations = relations(employeeStore, ({ one, many }) => ({
employees: one(employees),
stores: one(stores),
employeeCheckin: many(employeeCheckin),

export const employeeCheckin = pgTable(
employeeCheckinID: serial().$type<EmployeeCheckinID>().primaryKey(),
employeeStoreID: integer()
.references(() => employeeStore.employeeStoreID, {
onDelete: 'cascade',
employeeCheckedIn: timestamp({ mode: 'date' }),
employeeCheckedOut: timestamp({ mode: 'date' }),
(employeeCheckin) => {
return {
index: index('checkinIndex').on(employeeCheckin.employeeCheckedIn),
const employeeStoresRes = await tx
.returning({ storeID: employeeStore.storeID })

export const employeeStore = pgTable(
employeeStoreID: serial().$type<EmployeeStoreID>().primaryKey(),
storeID: integer()
.references(() => stores.storeID, {
onDelete: 'cascade',
employeeID: integer()
.references(() => employees.employeeID, {
onDelete: 'cascade',
(employeeStore) => {
return {
unique: unique('unique_employeeStore').on(employeeStore.storeID, employeeStore.employeeID),

export const employeeStoreRelations = relations(employeeStore, ({ one, many }) => ({
employees: one(employees),
stores: one(stores),
employeeCheckin: many(employeeCheckin),

export const employeeCheckin = pgTable(
employeeCheckinID: serial().$type<EmployeeCheckinID>().primaryKey(),
employeeStoreID: integer()
.references(() => employeeStore.employeeStoreID, {
onDelete: 'cascade',
employeeCheckedIn: timestamp({ mode: 'date' }),
employeeCheckedOut: timestamp({ mode: 'date' }),
(employeeCheckin) => {
return {
index: index('checkinIndex').on(employeeCheckin.employeeCheckedIn),
The problem is that that even when doing nothing the employeeStoreID is being updated on the employeeStore table. This means the employeeCheckin table has an outdated value for employeeStoreID. I use employeeStoreID as a foreign key in many places so it won't be an easy refactor to have a composite key.
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by AndréLB on 9/9/2024 in #help
Getting total sales by service
I have the tables orderListing and orders:
const orderListing = = pgTable(
orderID: integer('orderID')
.references(() => orders.orderID, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
serviceID: integer('serviceID')
.references(() => services.serviceID, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
name: varchar('name', { length: 256 }).$type<ServiceName>().notNull(),
amount: integer('amount').$type<Amount>().notNull(),
cost: real('cost').$type<ServiceCostNumber>().notNull(),
(orderListing) => {
return { pk: primaryKey({ columns: [orderListing.orderID, orderListing.serviceID] }) }

export const orders = pgTable( 'orders', {
orderID: serial('orderID').$type<OrderID>().primaryKey(),
submissionTime: timestamp('submissionTime', { mode: 'string' }).$type<SubmissionTimeOrder>().notNull(),
orderStatus: orderStatuspgEnum('orderStatus').notNull(),
const orderListing = = pgTable(
orderID: integer('orderID')
.references(() => orders.orderID, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
serviceID: integer('serviceID')
.references(() => services.serviceID, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
name: varchar('name', { length: 256 }).$type<ServiceName>().notNull(),
amount: integer('amount').$type<Amount>().notNull(),
cost: real('cost').$type<ServiceCostNumber>().notNull(),
(orderListing) => {
return { pk: primaryKey({ columns: [orderListing.orderID, orderListing.serviceID] }) }

export const orders = pgTable( 'orders', {
orderID: serial('orderID').$type<OrderID>().primaryKey(),
submissionTime: timestamp('submissionTime', { mode: 'string' }).$type<SubmissionTimeOrder>().notNull(),
orderStatus: orderStatuspgEnum('orderStatus').notNull(),
I want a function that returns:
serviceID: id,
name: name,
total: cost*amount //sum of all cost*amount for all orderListings with the serviceID
serviceID: id,
name: name,
total: cost*amount //sum of all cost*amount for all orderListings with the serviceID
I have unit costs and amount of each service in order listing but I want total sold for each service. I am stuck getting the sum of cost*amount for each serviceID. As there can be many orderListings with the same serviceID and since there is a multiplication it is too tricky. I would also like to select by orderStatus and by submissionTime but that I should be able to figure out easily
1 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by AndréLB on 8/17/2024 in #help
Joins with results in arrays
const fetchedOrderServices = await tx
.where(eq(orderServices.orderID, order))

const fetchedOrderLocalServices = await tx
.where(eq(orderLocalServices.orderID, order))

const [fetchedOrder] = await tx
.where(eq(orders.orderID, order))
.leftJoin(rentCarBookings, eq(rentCarBookings.orderID, order))
const fetchedOrderServices = await tx
.where(eq(orderServices.orderID, order))

const fetchedOrderLocalServices = await tx
.where(eq(orderLocalServices.orderID, order))

const [fetchedOrder] = await tx
.where(eq(orders.orderID, order))
.leftJoin(rentCarBookings, eq(rentCarBookings.orderID, order))
I would like a single select with joins that gives me more or less the same result. Something along the lines of:
fetchedOrder: {
orderID: OrderID,
customerID: CustomerID
localServices: {orderID: OrderID, localServiceID: LocalServiceID}[},
globalServices: {orderID: OrderID, globalServiceID: GlobalServiceID}[]
fetchedOrder: {
orderID: OrderID,
customerID: CustomerID
localServices: {orderID: OrderID, localServiceID: LocalServiceID}[},
globalServices: {orderID: OrderID, globalServiceID: GlobalServiceID}[]
139 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by AndréLB on 7/17/2024 in #help
Update with array of objects
type StoreSpecialHours = {
storeID: StoreID;
day: Day;
dayOpen: DayOpen;
dayClose: DayClose;

openingHours: StoreSpecialHours[],
const storeHours = await db
eq(storespecialhours.storeID, openingHours.storeID),
storeID: storespecialhours.storeID,
dayOpen: storespecialhours.dayOpen,
dayClose: storespecialhours.dayClose,
type StoreSpecialHours = {
storeID: StoreID;
day: Day;
dayOpen: DayOpen;
dayClose: DayClose;

openingHours: StoreSpecialHours[],
const storeHours = await db
eq(storespecialhours.storeID, openingHours.storeID),
storeID: storespecialhours.storeID,
dayOpen: storespecialhours.dayOpen,
dayClose: storespecialhours.dayClose,
How do I do an update with an array of object where I update multiple fields in the object. The examples I find are just updating one field in the row.
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by AndréLB on 4/29/2024 in #help
onConflictDoUpdate error, there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT
export const storespecialhours = pgTable(
specialDateID: serial('specialDateID').primaryKey(),
storeID: integer('storeID')
.references(() => stores.storeID, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
day: date('day', { mode: 'date' }).notNull().unique(),
dayOpen: time('dayOpen').notNull().unique(),
dayClose: time('dayClose').notNull().unique(),
(storespecialhours) => ({
unq: unique('dayOpen').on(storespecialhours.storeID,,
unq1: unique('dayClose').on(storespecialhours.storeID,,
export const storespecialhours = pgTable(
specialDateID: serial('specialDateID').primaryKey(),
storeID: integer('storeID')
.references(() => stores.storeID, { onDelete: 'cascade' })
day: date('day', { mode: 'date' }).notNull().unique(),
dayOpen: time('dayOpen').notNull().unique(),
dayClose: time('dayClose').notNull().unique(),
(storespecialhours) => ({
unq: unique('dayOpen').on(storespecialhours.storeID,,
unq1: unique('dayClose').on(storespecialhours.storeID,,
const [storeHours] = await db
target: [storespecialhours.specialDateID,],
set: { dayOpen: openingHours.dayOpen, dayClose: openingHours.dayClose },
specialDateID: storespecialhours.specialDateID,
storeID: storespecialhours.storeID,
dayOpen: storespecialhours.dayOpen,
dayClose: storespecialhours.dayClose,
const [storeHours] = await db
target: [storespecialhours.specialDateID,],
set: { dayOpen: openingHours.dayOpen, dayClose: openingHours.dayClose },
specialDateID: storespecialhours.specialDateID,
storeID: storespecialhours.storeID,
dayOpen: storespecialhours.dayOpen,
dayClose: storespecialhours.dayClose,
My goal is to insert new data into the storespecialhours table. If there is a conflict with specialDateID or (storeID and Day) then do an update. Lots of rows can have conflicting dayOpen, dayClose or day attributes that conflict. How do I fix it? Currently I am getting: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification
3 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by AndréLB on 4/7/2024 in #help
Best way to use select in a function that is returning a specific type
export type UserID = { userID: number }
type UserPassword = { userPassword: string }
type UserFirstName = { userFirstName: string }
type UserLastName = { userLastName: string }
type UserEmail = { userEmail: string }

type IsSuperAdmin = {
isSuperAdmin: boolean | null

export type VerifyUser = UserID &
UserFirstName &
UserLastName &
UserEmail &
UserPassword &
IsSuperAdmin & { role: RoleName & RoleID }

export async function verifyUser(email: UserEmail): Promise<VerifyUser | undefined> {
const results: VerifyUser[] | undefined = await db
userID: users.userID,
userFirstName: users.firstName,
userLastName: users.lastName,
userPassword: users.password,
isSuperAdmin: users.isSuperAdmin,
role: {
roleID: roles.roleID,
roleName: roles.roleName,
.innerJoin(roles, eq(users.roleID, roles.roleID))
.where(and(eq(, email.userEmail)))
return results[0] ? results[0] : undefined
export type UserID = { userID: number }
type UserPassword = { userPassword: string }
type UserFirstName = { userFirstName: string }
type UserLastName = { userLastName: string }
type UserEmail = { userEmail: string }

type IsSuperAdmin = {
isSuperAdmin: boolean | null

export type VerifyUser = UserID &
UserFirstName &
UserLastName &
UserEmail &
UserPassword &
IsSuperAdmin & { role: RoleName & RoleID }

export async function verifyUser(email: UserEmail): Promise<VerifyUser | undefined> {
const results: VerifyUser[] | undefined = await db
userID: users.userID,
userFirstName: users.firstName,
userLastName: users.lastName,
userPassword: users.password,
isSuperAdmin: users.isSuperAdmin,
role: {
roleID: roles.roleID,
roleName: roles.roleName,
.innerJoin(roles, eq(users.roleID, roles.roleID))
.where(and(eq(, email.userEmail)))
return results[0] ? results[0] : undefined
I don't understand why this code works. It doesn't return something of type VerifyUser yet the type checker doesn't complain. I am getting:
userID: 1,

userID: 1,

Instead of:
userID: {userID: 1},
userID: {userID: 1},
2 replies