Jack Sleight
Multiple edit pages for a single resource
I could in theory use a relation manager for some of this, but the nested items actually have further nested items under them, all displayed in one big tree-like structure (only 2 ever levels), which I don't think I can do with a relation manager.
14 replies
Multiple edit pages for a single resource
What I have is a standard edit page where 90% of the fields live, but this resource has a very large collection of nested data that's managed through a repeater. The repeater itself is almost entirely read-only, all of the create/edit/delete actions have been overridden to work via modals instead. And the page the repeater lives on is essentially a view page (providing an overview of all the resources nested items), but it needs to have form capabilities as the one thing you can edit through this page is the order of the nested items.
14 replies
Refresh page data from resource form action
It does get even more complicated, because each chapter then has a list of lessons, and ideally I want to end up with a single view where you can add/edit/delete/reorder chapters and lessons 😂
21 replies
Refresh page data from resource form action
That works, thanks! But, when you then hit save on the form it attempts to save the chapter again, which fails with a null title column error, and that somehow deletes the row that was previously added... do I need to tell it that item already exists somehow?
21 replies