Created by mark.cameron on 2/26/2024 in #❓┊help
Cluster with EditResource form, and other custom pages that interact with a specific resource
I'm wondering if it is possible to create a Cluster which will only be displayed when you are on the edit page for a resource, to show other custom pages that act on a specific resource. For example, I have a LandmarkResource, and when I visit the EditLandmark page I would have the cluster navigation to access another custom Page that was created managing resource data, for example Images related to the landmark. Cluster would have the following links/pages: - landmarks/<id>/edit - landmarks/<id>/media - landmarks/<id>/... - and so on for other custom pages for data related to a single resource I haven't been able to get the EditLandmark page to appear in a cluster by setting the protected static ?string $cluster = ... property. Nor the Custom Resource page for managing the Media, as per the example. I feel like it should be possible since they extend the Page component, however maybe clusters don't work with <resource>/<id> pages.
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