Back button
If open a create or edit page in a new tab/window, the cancel button doesn't work, because history doesn't exist.
You can try on filament-demo
open a customer in a new tab/window and try to click Cancel button
The solution is really simple, add a check to history.length > 1
Is it a bug?
SPA context
In SPA mode, when cancel button is pressed, return to the cached list page
It is a problem when a table is filtered by a discriminant field that is modified in edit, when come back to table, the cache prevent to apply right the filter.
I know that I can exclude some Resource/url from SPA, but forl all tables is annoying
At the moment I make a custom back buttom:
Exists others options?
4 replies
Repeater Add button - Icon
I desire to add an icon to add button repeater
I deep into code and it seems impossible.
So i did it.
I write down this help to anyone need the same thing.
Overrided the repeater.
Added HasIcon, I know I lose consistency.
It's better to create a dedicated trait and use addActionIcon
and finally
Maybe I open a PR in future
3 replies
resource view modal with relation manager
I am trying to show in view mode a resource with relation (relation manager)
If I open modal the relation aren't shown.
If I set footerModalContent and I pass resource, and relations to a custom view it works, but the related resource is always in edit mode.
Exist some way to open resource in a modal with its relation manager resource in view mode?
4 replies