Created by !Syrise on 3/20/2024 in #community-help
Vanguard crashs Pc (I think)
Hey since I have valorant sometimes my pc just restarts often when I am away and it goes to standby mode when I move my mouse again in restarts but sometimes also when I am just watching yt (never when i play valorant) and I think its maybe smething with vanguard because I think how it works is it looks through your pc and looks for 3 party software, does anyone else have this problem?
10 replies
Created by !Syrise on 3/20/2024 in #community-help
Braindead with Bronze?
Yea its like the title says like I hear so many people say like when your in Bronze or something your just very bad and Braindead. And yea I am Bronze 3 but I played like a year ago for a month and now since 2 weeks is it normal to chill in Bronze end still be only average or am I just really braindead lol...
16 replies
Created by !Syrise on 3/20/2024 in #community-help
Does that change in higher rank
Hey I have one question I am in the moment only B3 and I mean thats probably what many say but in every game I have just some team mades who are soo bad, dont know that you have to stand still when your shoting and just grefing the team but by accedent because they are so bad. Is that better in high elo or are even in Diamond lobbys people who you could think could also play in silver? Because I dont really have anybody to play with because non of my friends have a Pc so I solo queue but that is sometimes just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
52 replies
Created by !Syrise on 3/17/2024 in #community-help
Does your K/d change the RR you get
Just wanna ask cause I have the felling sometimes I go 30-10 in a game which we lost and lose 20rr with a duelist and my friend whit a other duelist in the same game looses only 10rr but whit way lower KD so what influences the RR you get your role?, your agent?, your KD?, the rounds you won in your game?
10 replies