Does that change in higher rank
Hey I have one question I am in the moment only B3 and I mean thats probably what many say but in every game I have just some team mades who are soo bad, dont know that you have to stand still when your shoting and just grefing the team but by accedent because they are so bad. Is that better in high elo or are even in Diamond lobbys people who you could think could also play in silver? Because I dont really have anybody to play with because non of my friends have a Pc so I solo queue but that is sometimes just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
45 Replies
Every rank, yes. The more you focus on them the worse you do, so just stop complaining and you will climb.
ok thanks
People definitely get better, you also don’t fully understand yet since you think you need to stand still to be accurate
when you play vandel on mid range yes
Even then, no
I’d win against you 100/100 gunfights if you don’t know what deadzoning is
you will probably win 100/100 even if i know what that is
Look into it, it’s not as useful in your elo but becomes more useful as you climb a bit
kk thanks
It’s basically abusing the stopping accuracy in valorant being way too lenient letting you be moving while shooting
oh yea i think I know what you mean like pressing A-D-A-D?
Yes but timing your shot with switching movement keys
So not counter strafing but deadzoning
yea I think I know what you mean
Is dead zoning just counter strafing?
I think its simular
Oops just read
Not exactly it’s close though
whats the diffrence
Counter strafing is when you press the opposite movement key to fully stop the character faster
Idk I don't know what it is and I'm d3, peak a2
teammates do actually acquire a brain the higher up the rankings you go
k thanks
Deadzoning is pressing the opposite movement key but you let go of the first movement key so you walk the opposite way
Because of valorants lenient stopping accuracy that lets you shoot with 100% accuracy
oh yea I think I know what you mean
You don’t really need to counter strafe in valorant because of this which is good
It’s a difficult thing to learn for some people
Very important in cs though
I have another question is it sometimes smart to crouch because i do it close to never in gunfights but I see so many people do it
I mean the real answer is sometimes I guess
In most gunfights no
I probably wouldn’t do it in your elo
Since people there will probably hit more shots if you crouch since they aim at the stomach and not the head sometimes
ok tysm
But it can be good in higher elos to throw off crosshair placements or to have better accuracy when forced to full spray
but like when I peak angles without utility and when I think the enemys know where I am should I crouch than because the enemy is most off the time placing there crosshair head high?
That really depends on which way you want to swing as there are several ways to do so
It should not be done every single time
You should look into wideswings, preaims, jumpspots etc
You can watch something like this by charlatan to get a decent understanding of the peeking mechanics:
CHARLATAN | Radiant Coach
Your MOVEMENT is BAD for Peeking Angles in VALORANT! (Radiant Movem...
⭐ Complete Movement Guide and Radiant Routine (secret method) for Beginner & Advanced Players to Improve Positioning, Clearing Angles, Peeking & get more kills with PRO Tips & Tricks!
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You’ll probably understand the information better by seeing it in action than just reading me typing about it
thanks but another question when I am just walking and than stop pressing D my aim isnt 100% accurat right?
Not for a few more frames afterwards, what you can do however is after you let go of D you can shoot 1-2 bullets while pressing A at the same time
They will be 100% accurate
ok thanks