Created by ab2rahman on 5/30/2024 in #💻┃support
Entreprise SSO
Is it possible for enterprise applications used by our users to redirect them to Kinde for authentication? For example, let's take Google Workspace as the enterprise application. When the user enters their email, Google Workspace redirects them to Kinde. Kinde authenticates the user and then redirects them back to Google Workspace. Can Kinde implement such authentication flows?
10 replies
Created by ab2rahman on 5/24/2024 in #💻┃support
Choosing a MFA method only works the first time for each user
Choosing an MFA method only works the first time for each user. Once I reset the MFA for a given user, the user gets stuck on the MFA choices list without any redirection (using the Next.js app router).
9 replies