Created by ִFִִaִִlִִlִִiִִִnִִִgִִ on 7/14/2024 in #questions
Best geyser compatible AC
Im running paper 1.20.6, and most of my players will be geyser/bedrock players. Whenever I look up anticheats on this subreddit the posts/anticheats are outdated.
4 replies
Created by ִFִִaִִlִִlִִiִִִnִִִgִִ on 6/27/2024 in #questions
Use vanilla selectors in commands.
I want to use vanilla selectors like @p in commands, so I tried Psudocommands, but it does not support futher player selectors like [nbt]. My endgoal is to have a player click a hologram, and if they have a certain amount of a item they will be added to a region. Edit: Im running paper, and the plugins should be geyser compatible.
9 replies