Wizard modal with custom modal content
I am passing data to a custom modal content which is a wizard. Custom data is showing when the modal opens, but when clicking on the button to go to the next step, I am loosing the custom data passed to the custom view. The goal is to perform a custom modal action based on the custom data. This action may be performed at every steps, not sure what am I missing. Ideas?
23 replies
Modal alignment
Can someone try the modal alignment? It always seems to be centered... Thanks!
<x-filament::modal alignment="start">
4 replies
Dashboard with filters
What would be the best filament way to build an analytic/sales dashboard with a global date range filter?
The dashboard is mainly based on one table records, so resource page I guess?
Is there a way to reuse the table filter with date-range filament plugin? Or a custom select input form using query params?
Something like:
7 replies