Created by Arcadeflip on 9/7/2024 in #questions
Luckperms error when trying to join server via velocity
Hi, first time using luckperms on a bugeecord type server network. My actual setup : 1 velocity proxy + 1 lobby server ( not running luckperms ) + 1 factions server ( running luckperms ) I'm able to join the lobby via velocity proxy, but when trying to connect to factions server from the lobby one i get a luckperms error " [LP]: Les données des permissions de votre utilisateur n'ont pas été chargées pendant l'étape de pré-connexion - impossible de continuer. Veuillez réessayer ultérieurement. Si vous êtes un administrateur du serveur, veuillez vérifier la console pour toute erreur. " translated from french to english : "[LP]: Your user's permissions data were not loaded during the pre-login stage - unable to continue. Please try again later. If you are a server administrator, please check the console for any errors." Cheched the console but no other error is appearing. Idk what to do, could somebody help me please ?
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