Souhail Bouaouiss
Souhail Bouaouiss
Created by Souhail Bouaouiss on 3/6/2024 in #❓┊help
Setting an input value from outside the repeater?
Section::make()->schema([ Select::make('client_id')->live() ->label('Client') ->relationship('client', 'raison_social')->afterStateUpdated(function ($set) { // Set the input field montant which is inseide the repeater to null $set('montant', null); // Set the input field tva which is inseide the repeater to null $set('tva', null); // Set the input field unit_price which is inseide the repeater to null $set('unit_price', null); // Set the input field items which is inseide the repeater to null $set('items', null); }),
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