Created by all_is_source_energy on 3/12/2025 in #support
Different routes using different layouts, while doing file based routing please?
Thanks I see my confusion, idk yet how to do layouts correctly with parens. My goal is (auth) folder w/ child files like [ ./routes/(auth)/sign-in.tsx ] and a layout file for the (auth) child files I tried ./routes/(auth).tsx and ./routes/auth.tsx for the layout file and neither worked yet thanks! & I just did something simple for the layout like: import { type JSX } from 'solid-js' export function Layout ( { children, ...props }: {children: JSX.Element } & JSX.IntrinsicElements['div']) { return <> <div id="abc" {...props}> {children} </div> </> }
12 replies
Created by all_is_source_energy on 3/12/2025 in #support
Different routes using different layouts, while doing file based routing please?
Thanks! So ./b should be a route in the following example please? ./routes/a.tsx - route showed up @ ./a ./routes/b.tsx - route showed up @ ./b ./routes/(c)/b.tsx - error @ ./b TypeError: response.headers is not iterable at sendWebResponse (file:/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:929:39) at eval (/Users/chriscarrington/gotcontract/node_modules/vinxi/runtime/http.js:144:12) at eval (/Users/chriscarrington/gotcontract/node_modules/@solidjs/start/dist/middleware/index.jsx:10:54) at async _callHandler (file:/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:1831:7) at async _callHandler (file:/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:1837:16) at async file:/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:1978:19 at async Object.callAsync (file:/node_modules/unctx/dist/index.mjs:72:16) at async Server.toNodeHandle (file:/node_modules/h3/dist/index.mjs:2270:7)
12 replies
Created by all_is_source_energy on 3/12/2025 in #support
Different routes using different layouts, while doing file based routing please?
src/routes/(one).tsx --- Layout for (one) routes src/routes/(one)/a.tsx. --- UI for ./a (which uses the one layout) src/routes/(two).tsx. --- Layout for (two) routes src/routes/(two)/b.tsx --- UI for ./b (which uses the two layout) src/routes/(two)/c.tsx --- UI for ./c (which uses the two layout) Is this the expected behavior please? if yes I'll make a small example b/c in my more complex current example I'm not seeing this behavior but I wanna ensure I'm interpreting this correctly first please, thanks!
12 replies
Created by all_is_source_energy on 3/12/2025 in #support
Different routes using different layouts, while doing file based routing please?
Brilliant! ty!
12 replies
Created by JCM on 3/11/2025 in #support
Using solid-mdx in an SPA app (without solid-start/vinxi)
Use a package that works in the browser?
3 replies