Spatie Media Library
I want to show the iamges for that particular product that the user has already uploaded, I checked my other projects where the image is shown in edit and it comes like this, uuid=>uuid, I did that as well, when loading the form as well, but still could not see the images.
[media] => Array
[85dd8597-7a08-489f-a0d3-f4b6261a7e85] => 85dd8597-7a08-489f-a0d3-f4b6261a7e85
[044650d8-2d06-4ffa-9e2d-8f709fa8b36d] => 044650d8-2d06-4ffa-9e2d-8f709fa8b36d
[396eb7f2-aeac-4fe4-a916-3e540ea4aa15] => 396eb7f2-aeac-4fe4-a916-3e540ea4aa15
[a2b8fd36-e7bb-44f1-81b9-876ca03f1c2d] => a2b8fd36-e7bb-44f1-81b9-876ca03f1c2d
Thank you so much, It would be great help !!
24 replies
Spatie Media Library
Is there no way to make it as the edit page of any resource, how the image loads in the edit page and then we can delete that image or edit or add new. I just want to show the iamges there as it would in any edit fields
24 replies