Created by franchesoni on 10/23/2024 in #questions
dict containing sets?
I'm having issuesto have a dict whose values are sets first, Set doesn't implement copyinit so I had to wrap it but now I get that rag[current_label] is a "function that might raise in a context that cannot" what's the simplest way to build a dict whose values are sets? can I operate on the sets? here's the code if needed
struct CopyableSet[T: KeyElement](CollectionElement): # we need this because set is not copyable :S
var set: Set[T]

fn __init__(inout self: Self):
self.set = Set[T]()

fn __copyinit__(inout self: Self, existing: Self):
self.set = Set[T]()
self.set._data = existing.set._data

fn __moveinit__(inout self: Self, owned other: Self):
self.set = other.set^

fn create_rag(indices: FlatTensor[DType.uint16]) -> Dict[Int, CopyableSet[Int]]:
neighbor_offsets = List[List[Int]](
List(1, 0), List(-1, 0), List(0, 1), List(0, -1)
rag = Dict[Int, CopyableSet[Int]]()
max_label, _ = max[DType.uint16](indices, 0, len(indices.buffer))
for label in range(1, max_label + 1):
rag[label] = CopyableSet[Int]()

for row in range(S):
for col in range(S):
current_label = indices.buffer[rowcol_to_ind(row, col)].__int__()
if current_label == 0:
print('tremendous mistake!')

for i in range(len(neighbor_offsets)):
nrow = row + neighbor_offsets[i][0]
ncol = col + neighbor_offsets[i][1]
if 0 <= nrow and nrow < S and 0 <= ncol and ncol < S:
neighbor_label = indices.buffer[rowcol_to_ind(nrow, ncol)]
if neighbor_label != current_label:
aux = rag[current_label] # this line fails
rag[current_label] = aux
return rag
struct CopyableSet[T: KeyElement](CollectionElement): # we need this because set is not copyable :S
var set: Set[T]

fn __init__(inout self: Self):
self.set = Set[T]()

fn __copyinit__(inout self: Self, existing: Self):
self.set = Set[T]()
self.set._data = existing.set._data

fn __moveinit__(inout self: Self, owned other: Self):
self.set = other.set^

fn create_rag(indices: FlatTensor[DType.uint16]) -> Dict[Int, CopyableSet[Int]]:
neighbor_offsets = List[List[Int]](
List(1, 0), List(-1, 0), List(0, 1), List(0, -1)
rag = Dict[Int, CopyableSet[Int]]()
max_label, _ = max[DType.uint16](indices, 0, len(indices.buffer))
for label in range(1, max_label + 1):
rag[label] = CopyableSet[Int]()

for row in range(S):
for col in range(S):
current_label = indices.buffer[rowcol_to_ind(row, col)].__int__()
if current_label == 0:
print('tremendous mistake!')

for i in range(len(neighbor_offsets)):
nrow = row + neighbor_offsets[i][0]
ncol = col + neighbor_offsets[i][1]
if 0 <= nrow and nrow < S and 0 <= ncol and ncol < S:
neighbor_label = indices.buffer[rowcol_to_ind(nrow, ncol)]
if neighbor_label != current_label:
aux = rag[current_label] # this line fails
rag[current_label] = aux
return rag
4 replies
Created by franchesoni on 10/17/2024 in #questions
mojo compile is non-deterministic ? (video)
I only call mojo run main.mojo again and again, and - it breaks - it gives a result - it gives another result I can't see where the randomness is coming from, it is certainly not intended
6 replies
Created by franchesoni on 10/17/2024 in #questions
print breaks code
the following isn't catched by the linter but breaks, what am I doing wrong?
from python import Python, PythonObject
from memory import memcpy

alias S: Int = 256
alias S2: Int = S*S
alias CRASH = True

def main():
np = Python.import_module('numpy')
pylogits = np.ones((130, 256, 256))
total_size = Int(pylogits.size)

# now we have the data in memory
data = UnsafePointer[Scalar[DType.float32]].alloc(total_size)
memcpy(data, pylogits.__array_interface__['data'][0].unsafe_get_as_pointer[DType.float32](), total_size)

# mojomain(data, total_size)
var masks = UnsafePointer[Scalar[DType.bool]].alloc(total_size)
for channel in range(total_size / S2):
offset = S2 * channel
for ind in range(S2):
masks[ind + offset] = True if data[ind+offset] > 0.5 else False
print(masks[offset + S])

print('great!') # never get here

from python import Python, PythonObject
from memory import memcpy

alias S: Int = 256
alias S2: Int = S*S
alias CRASH = True

def main():
np = Python.import_module('numpy')
pylogits = np.ones((130, 256, 256))
total_size = Int(pylogits.size)

# now we have the data in memory
data = UnsafePointer[Scalar[DType.float32]].alloc(total_size)
memcpy(data, pylogits.__array_interface__['data'][0].unsafe_get_as_pointer[DType.float32](), total_size)

# mojomain(data, total_size)
var masks = UnsafePointer[Scalar[DType.bool]].alloc(total_size)
for channel in range(total_size / S2):
offset = S2 * channel
for ind in range(S2):
masks[ind + offset] = True if data[ind+offset] > 0.5 else False
print(masks[offset + S])

print('great!') # never get here

12 replies
Created by franchesoni on 10/17/2024 in #questions
List of SIMD bug
The following simple code doesn't work, is this because of memory? I find the documentation is lacking, it only says SIMD are restricted to powers of 2, which I compy with...
alias S: Int = 256
alias S2: Int = S*S
alias SquareMatrix = SIMD[size=S2]

def main():
var sqms = List[SquareMatrix[DType.float32]]()
for ind in range(2): # using 1 instead of 2 gives no issues
sqm = SquareMatrix[DType.float32]()
print('success!') # we never get here :(
alias S: Int = 256
alias S2: Int = S*S
alias SquareMatrix = SIMD[size=S2]

def main():
var sqms = List[SquareMatrix[DType.float32]]()
for ind in range(2): # using 1 instead of 2 gives no issues
sqm = SquareMatrix[DType.float32]()
print('success!') # we never get here :(
77 replies
Created by franchesoni on 10/2/2024 in #questions
how to use Buffer?
it seems we're still in the dark regarding arrays. Mojo has efficient implementations of max, sum, etc. over Buffers but creating one is a pain. For instance this code breaks on the print, why?
np = Python.import_module('numpy')
logits = np.load('logits.npy') # (C, H, W)

# create data buffer
var channels: Int = logits.shape[0]
var height: Int = logits.shape[1]
var width: Int = logits.shape[2]
pointer_to_data = UnsafePointer[Float32].alloc(channels * height * width)
pointer_to_data.init_pointee_copy(0) # is this needed? idk, doesn't hurt
tensor = NDBuffer[DType.float32, 3](pointer_to_data, DimList(channels, height, width))
var ftensor = tensor.flatten() # I need to create the NDBuffer first as I can't create buffer with a dynamic size
var np_pointer = logits.__array_interface__['data'][0].unsafe_get_as_pointer[DType.float32]() # from some example

start = time.perf_counter() # copy np data to tensor data
for channel in range(channels):
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
var posind = channel * height * width + row * width + col
ftensor[posind] = np_pointer[posind]
print("Time elapsed: ", time.perf_counter() - start)
print(ftensor[0]) # breaks here
np = Python.import_module('numpy')
logits = np.load('logits.npy') # (C, H, W)

# create data buffer
var channels: Int = logits.shape[0]
var height: Int = logits.shape[1]
var width: Int = logits.shape[2]
pointer_to_data = UnsafePointer[Float32].alloc(channels * height * width)
pointer_to_data.init_pointee_copy(0) # is this needed? idk, doesn't hurt
tensor = NDBuffer[DType.float32, 3](pointer_to_data, DimList(channels, height, width))
var ftensor = tensor.flatten() # I need to create the NDBuffer first as I can't create buffer with a dynamic size
var np_pointer = logits.__array_interface__['data'][0].unsafe_get_as_pointer[DType.float32]() # from some example

start = time.perf_counter() # copy np data to tensor data
for channel in range(channels):
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
var posind = channel * height * width + row * width + col
ftensor[posind] = np_pointer[posind]
print("Time elapsed: ", time.perf_counter() - start)
print(ftensor[0]) # breaks here
I have already spent quite a few hours trying to figure out why creating a Buffer is so much trouble. Also, slicing is hard. I have found no good resources on this, kapa tells me there is not enough info in the docs 😦
2 replies
Created by franchesoni on 2/19/2024 in #questions
using mojo in python (not python in mojo)
sometimes I need to make only one function really really fast, but I don't want to stop using python because it is so convenient. How do I handle this case? This goes probably against mojo philosophy because creates a two-world problem (python on top of mojo) but I want it so hard
2 replies