Custom page route
Which is the way to have on a custom page "Test" (outside of resources) with the url ...'admin/test' and this page remains active while acces 'admin/test/something' ?
public static function getPages() seems to be used on a resource
4 replies
wizard - hidden last step based on a radio option and save
In a 6-step Wizard component, the last step is hidden if a particular option is chosen in step 5. The problem is that step 6 is hidden, but the next button is not changed to the save button. It only changes if I take one step back and then the next. I didn't have this problem in v2. In v2 when selecting the option the step was hidden and the save button appeared. How can I hide a step and then save if a certain option is selected?
6 replies
Argument #2 ($label) must be of type string, null given, called in /../storage/framework/views/a7a61bf937bbbc17b1d5fdc4121e9f173917da9e.php on line 83. Hi. Why I have this error? I just use a Select: Forms\Components\Select::make('category_id')
->options(Category::all()->pluck('name', 'id')),
10 replies