Created by JohnPrice on 2/2/2024 in #❓┊help
Live field re-render problem ?
Good evening, I'd like to set up a rather special system, which would allow, depending on certain conditions on a record, to display "helperText" and perform actions on fields, e.g. deactivate, change labels, hints, etc... So I use the "afterFill" method, and make my modifications. This works at first, but as soon as another field is reactive, the form is completely re-rendered, which causes me to lose the state. This behavior seems normal with Livewire. Is it currently possible to prevent this behavior? If so, how? Is there any other way of solving this problem? I don't want to do this in a unitary way on each of the fields, but to be able to do it before rendering my form. The video shows a demonstration of the problem. Thanks a lot!
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