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Created by Ariel on 3/20/2024 in #❓-help
silent failure on client query?
Hey friends, long time listener, first time caller 😉 I have encountered a quite confusing quirk that I'm not sure how to start reasoning about... I have been running a trpc client call (all my trpc packages are currently v10.45.2) in a nextjs 14 (w/ app router) application. So the follow code has been working when the selectedSession updates in the context
export default function SessionExplorer({ id }: { id?: string }) {
const { selectedSession } = useContext(SessionContext);
if (!selectedSession) {
return <EmptyState />;

const { data: m } = trpc.messages.getMessagesWithEntities.useQuery(
refetchOnMount: false,
// doing some stuff with `m`
export default function SessionExplorer({ id }: { id?: string }) {
const { selectedSession } = useContext(SessionContext);
if (!selectedSession) {
return <EmptyState />;

const { data: m } = trpc.messages.getMessagesWithEntities.useQuery(
refetchOnMount: false,
// doing some stuff with `m`
oddly, it seems like it's now just jumping over my useQuery call and returns undefined. I would expect this call to hit my server code, but I don't see any queries in my server logs. It doesn't seem to even be hitting my server code (though my server calls using trpc continue to work 👌 ). I tried to set breakpoints around the client side code, but all I see when I try to step into trpc or useQuery , it doesn't show much and console logging trpc leads to Proxy(Function) {length: 0, name: 'noop'}. Given that server trpc calls appear to be working just fine, my thought was perhaps some misconfiguration with my client trpc code, though it's fairly vanilla:
import { createTRPCReact } from "@trpc/react-query";

import { type AppRouter } from "@/lib/server/routers/_app";

export const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>({});
import { createTRPCReact } from "@trpc/react-query";

import { type AppRouter } from "@/lib/server/routers/_app";

export const trpc = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>({});
Though I didn't explicitly change much in my trpc configuration, I did blow away my node_modules and reinstall, so I wonder whether that has contributed to these issues arising today. Anyone have any suggestions for things that I could try to get further visibility into the issue?
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DTDrizzle Team
Created by Ariel on 1/30/2024 in #help
Lateral Left Joins in Drizzle Core Queries
I am creating a more complex Postgres query that requires me to drop down to the sql abstractions of drizzle (my query needs to use window functions and group bys). In this same query, I would like to return a column that includes a list of relations, ideally as a JSON array. My initial instinct was to try to recreate the lateral left join query, similar to how the drizzle query builder returns relations using the with option. However, in my reading of the documentation and the code, it doesn't appear that there is a way to access lateral left joins using the syntax. Reading through the code, it doesn't seem like the lateral option is exposed as part of a public API. I expect I might be able to write a subquery or a CTE in order to achieve this goal, but I was wondering whether there was anything I was missing/any way I could more easily replicate how drizzle achieves this goal? Thanks!
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